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Bee Sponsorship Deutsche Krebshilfe

Bee Sponsorship Deutsche Krebshilfe

Let's Support Bees Together

We 💛 Bees

In 2023 Deutsche Krebshilfe sponsors 10 beehives and supports beekeepers Marlene and Tobias. As a bee sponsor, Deutsche Krebshilfe actively contributes to the preservation of bees and a species-rich nature: While collecting nectar and pollen, the bees of Deutsche Krebshilfe pollinate countless plants and thus guarantee a colorful and livable environment.

Bienenpatenschaft Jahr 1

Deutsche Krebshilfe Bienenpatenschaft

The Commitment of Deutschen Krebshilfe for Our Nature

Learn more now

Helping. Researching. Informing. For More Bees.

Founded in 1974, the goal of Deutsche Krebshilfe is to fight all manifestations of cancer. The non-profit organization not only advocates for  health, but also the preservation of an intact and species-rich nature. That is why they decided to sponsor bees - ten colonies at once! Half a million new bees will soon be pollinating the local flora in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia on behalf of Deutsche Krebshilfe. To ensure that they have everything they need, beekeepers Tobias and Marlene will be caring for the industrious insects during the upcoming year. The two beekeepers will also inform all bee sponsors about the latest events at the apiary, giving them a direct insight into the exciting life of the pollinators.

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Commitment to Beekeeping, Bees & Co.

Gemeinsam Bienen retten

Support the Bees

Whether as an individual or as a company: Everyone can contribute to the well-being of our native bees and nature. Since we are all affected by the consequences of the decline of bees, each individual’s commitment is required. Both smaller and larger changes can be easily integrated into everyday life. Making an active contribution to the preservation of a species-rich and livable nature is not difficult: we will show you various ways to engage against the decline of insects and bees.

Support the Bees

Blick von oben auf Beute und Wabe.

Marlene Schmidt

Im schönen Freising leben meine Bienen und teilen sich dort zusammen mit weiteren Völkern den geschützten Unterschlupf im Bienenhaus des Freisinger Imkervereins. Etwa fünf Völker sind dort während des Sommers mit der Bestäubung von Pflanzen und dem Sammeln von Nektar und Pollen beschäftigt. Dank der…
„Der Bien ist der Wahn!“

The home of five beehives of Deutsche Krebshilfe: Freising in Bavaria

Home sweet home! Five of the Deutsche Krebshilfe bee hives live in beautiful Freising. The Bavarian city of Freising is known for its magnificent cathedral, the oldest brewery in the world and, last but not least, the river Isar, where a lot of people spend their summer evenings. In fall, many people travel the short distance to Munich to experience the unique Oktoberfest. Maybe some of the bees dream of taking the trip to the famous beer festival as well - who knows?


Freisinger Dom

Your bees are in for a treat: Freising offers a wide variety of pollen and nectar. The wetlands around the Isar provide different species of willows that serve as an early source of food for your bees. The trial gardens of the local university are home to a great number of exotic plants like kiwis or outdoor orchids. The unique nature in and around Freising offers the bees of Deutsche Krebshilfe a safe home as well as sufficient and varied food. With their sponsorship, Deutsche Krebshilfe ensures that Freising continues to bloom and buzz.